JAB journal

JAB logo

We#nbsp;are faithful to our principles when working on#nbsp;projects, and we#nbsp;did not change them when developing our logo.
The first draft was born too quickly. There was an#nbsp;urgent project where it#nbsp;could be#nbsp;spotlighted:
It#nbsp;turned out to#nbsp;be#nbsp;as simple and variable as#nbsp;possible, assuming modification depending on#nbsp;the direction: design, web, typography, aerial photo and so#nbsp;on:
The project was a#nbsp;stand (development and printing of#nbsp;the layout, provision of#nbsp;equipment). It#nbsp;also revealed an#nbsp;obvious weakness of#nbsp;the solution#nbsp;— the strong similarity of#nbsp;the words "jab" and "job". It#nbsp;looks like we#nbsp;promoted a#nbsp;job search site:
Of#nbsp;course, it#nbsp;had to#nbsp;be#nbsp;redone. A#nbsp;couple of#nbsp;evenings and a#nbsp;revision appeared:
Unfortunately, a#nbsp;picture search showed that the same move had already been used by#nbsp;a#nbsp;company from Kaliningrad. The work continued.
For a#nbsp;number of#nbsp;reasons, the task was somewhat broader than just coming up#nbsp;with a#nbsp;logo. It#nbsp;was necessary to#nbsp;place the name in#nbsp;its entirety. The desire for simplification led to#nbsp;a#nbsp;one-stroke version:
His shortcoming became apparent after visualizing the first medium that came to#nbsp;mind#nbsp;— the medical mask that has become an#nbsp;indispensable attribute of#nbsp;modernity.
On#nbsp;the one hand, as#nbsp;Artemy Lebedev said, it#nbsp;is#nbsp;the highest skill to#nbsp;draw ■■ck in#nbsp;a#nbsp;logo. On#nbsp;the other hand, wearing such a#nbsp;specific silhouette on#nbsp;the cheek is#nbsp;not comical. Besides, the question about the length of#nbsp;the "A" never ceased to#nbsp;arise…
And then the new input came, and the need to#nbsp;represent all the letters disappeared. It’s like a#nbsp;mountain off our backs. We#nbsp;sketched out another series of#nbsp;variants.
Creating a#nbsp;logo for ourself is#nbsp;a#nbsp;particularly difficult task because of#nbsp;the immediate interest and a#nbsp;washed-out look. We#nbsp;turned to#nbsp;a#nbsp;colleague whom we#nbsp;consider a#nbsp;real guru. His answer was:
—#nbsp;Hi! I’m sorry to#nbsp;interrupt you with all this crap. I#nbsp;promise, as#nbsp;soon as#nbsp;you help me#nbsp;find a#nbsp;direction, I’ll leave you alone! =) Well, give me#nbsp;a#nbsp;hint, you’re a#nbsp;guru, and I#nbsp;want to#nbsp;connect my#nbsp;life with it…
The same option was pointed out by#nbsp;two more (out of#nbsp;the same two) respondents, chosen deliberately different: gender, lifestyle, views, etc.
The merch was rendered and the son of#nbsp;one of#nbsp;them unequivocally concluded that he#nbsp;wanted such a#nbsp;hoodie. The choice is#nbsp;made. Clean up#nbsp;the rough edges and the logo is#nbsp;ready:
2022-01-12 13:42 Notes