JAB journal

Na mote

2022-05-30 10:44 Projects
People are herd animals that do#nbsp;not exist separately from society. Each person must belong to#nbsp;a#nbsp;community (or#nbsp;rather, to#nbsp;different communities) and have a#nbsp;circle of#nbsp;people with whom he#nbsp;or#nbsp;she can associate. For this reason, there are online and offline groups.
Took the motorcycle community of#nbsp;the Novgorod region in#nbsp;our crosshairs.


Lack of#nbsp;operational communication channel, in#nbsp;particular, with the recent postponement of#nbsp;the start time of#nbsp;the motorcycle convoy at#nbsp;the opening of#nbsp;the next season, many people did not have time to#nbsp;get this information.
The city has a#nbsp;motorcycle community based in#nbsp;VK (more than 7 thousand subscribers), which makes it#nbsp;difficult to#nbsp;participate. Many people do#nbsp;not use this social network for various reasons. In#nbsp;addition, as#nbsp;Pavel Durov noted, social networks will smoothly move to#nbsp;messengers#nbsp;— and this thesis is#nbsp;already being confirmed.
Here we#nbsp;are overlooking the official motorcycle clubs, they are separate and their communications are better established.
As#nbsp;a#nbsp;result, there are people with a#nbsp;craving for communication, there is#nbsp;a#nbsp;convenient promoted messenger that continues to#nbsp;actively gain credibility, but these two worlds do#nbsp;not intersect.


The essence of#nbsp;the project is#nbsp;to#nbsp;unite motorcyclists of#nbsp;the Novgorod region, giving them a#nbsp;convenient platform for communication.
Side tasks:
—#nbsp;to#nbsp;practice building and promoting a#nbsp;large-scale community (we#nbsp;already have experience in#nbsp;a#nbsp;narrowly focused area#nbsp;— we#nbsp;have tried a#nbsp;lot of#nbsp;things, made conclusions, and are moving on),
—#nbsp;to#nbsp;realize your potential on#nbsp;the introduction of#nbsp;interesting and non-standard moves (bots, etc.),
—#nbsp;to#nbsp;promote JAB.


The main benefit is#nbsp;to#nbsp;get a#nbsp;channel for prompt and comprehensive exchange of#nbsp;any thematic information. These are announcements about motorcycle events, cooperation for rides, dissemination of#nbsp;information about new interesting places to#nbsp;visit and places to#nbsp;service motorcycles, search for solutions to#nbsp;problems, bulletin board for buying and selling motorcycles and accessories (in#nbsp;the future, it#nbsp;may be#nbsp;worth to#nbsp;separate these areas#nbsp;— depends on#nbsp;the demand), roadside assistance (here efficiency is#nbsp;especially important) and many other aspects.
Well, and an#nbsp;adequate share of#nbsp;offtopic can’t be#nbsp;canceled.


The list of#nbsp;tasks is#nbsp;extensive, but we#nbsp;decided not to#nbsp;create a#nbsp;multi-level hierarchy like the motorcycle club hierarchy.
At#nbsp;the initial stage we#nbsp;limited ourselves to#nbsp;three administrators-moderators. They were city motorcyclists, proven, adequate guys, chosen deliberately different (age, participation in#nbsp;mototusovki, classes of#nbsp;motorcycles, etc.). Their tasks at#nbsp;the start#nbsp;— participation in#nbsp;the formation of#nbsp;the vision, initial involvement of#nbsp;participants from the circle of#nbsp;acquaintances.
Later on, a#nbsp;work regulation will be#nbsp;drawn up#nbsp;in#nbsp;which we#nbsp;will jointly describe possible situations and how to#nbsp;respond to#nbsp;them.
As#nbsp;experience on#nbsp;a#nbsp;small narrow-profile community has shown, leaders are noticed almost immediately#nbsp;— in#nbsp;the future they will become moderators, and the community will become self-organized.
The community will be#nbsp;built on#nbsp;the most liberal principles with an#nbsp;exceptionally gentle attitude towards censorship. We#nbsp;are committed to#nbsp;the principles of#nbsp;freedom of#nbsp;speech. Only libel and odious statements on#nbsp;political and religious topics will be#nbsp;banned.


In#nbsp;addition to#nbsp;the requirement that the name must be#nbsp;simple, short and clear, it#nbsp;is#nbsp;important that it#nbsp;be#nbsp;free. With the growing popularity of#nbsp;Telegram, it#nbsp;is#nbsp;becoming increasingly difficult to#nbsp;find such names#nbsp;— it#nbsp;seems that cybersquatting will soon intensify its development here as#nbsp;well.
After a#nbsp;brief search (remembering JAB’s principles) we#nbsp;chose what we#nbsp;thought was appropriate#nbsp;— "Na mote", "namote" (it#nbsp;means "on a#nbsp;motorcycle" in#nbsp;Russian).
First of#nbsp;all, this is#nbsp;a#nbsp;community of#nbsp;those who ride a#nbsp;motorcycle. "Mot" is#nbsp;a#nbsp;clear and commonly used abbreviation, so#nbsp;it#nbsp;doesn’t cut the ear.
Secondly, "NAMOTE" has variants of#nbsp;deciphering: "Novgorod Association of#nbsp;MOTorcycle Enthusiasts" or "Novgorodian Area MOTorcycle Enthusiasts".
And thirdly, the absence of#nbsp;an#nbsp;obvious connection to#nbsp;Novgorod leaves the potential for community expansion. In#nbsp;the meantime, we#nbsp;took the domain namote.ru.


As#nbsp;usual, they set out to#nbsp;get away from the cliched images of#nbsp;a#nbsp;motorcycle and helmet. These are the two wheels, as#nbsp;well as#nbsp;the first three significant letters of#nbsp;the name.
Its atypicality for motorcycle communities, we#nbsp;are sure, will play to#nbsp;the advantage on#nbsp;the detachment from possible competitors.


From the first chips we#nbsp;plan to#nbsp;fill the information vacuum#nbsp;— to#nbsp;collect a#nbsp;map of#nbsp;interesting places and routes. The high demand and lack of#nbsp;options simply leave no#nbsp;alternatives.
To#nbsp;replenish them, participants will be#nbsp;attracted#nbsp;— it#nbsp;is#nbsp;easy to#nbsp;propose a#nbsp;new place or#nbsp;route, the effect is#nbsp;noticeable, the activity is#nbsp;taken into account and the one who has already spoken out is#nbsp;involved in#nbsp;the project.


To#nbsp;invite the first participants you need to#nbsp;create a#nbsp;base, in#nbsp;an#nbsp;empty group there is#nbsp;nothing to#nbsp;do, as#nbsp;there is#nbsp;no#nbsp;mood.
After the initial stuffing, we#nbsp;engage targeted invitations. Administrators already communicate in#nbsp;their loosely overlapping circles.
Before moving to#nbsp;the next stage, administrators will gather opinions and ideas from participants, which we#nbsp;will carefully analyze and improve the community.
Next, we#nbsp;will use the age-old method of#nbsp;word of#nbsp;mouth. We#nbsp;will negotiate with potential partners: small motorcycle communities, motorcycle venues (stores, car washes, etc.), leave information about ourselves with them#nbsp;— business cards and stickers.
And, of#nbsp;course, we’ll post a#nbsp;couple of#nbsp;inormative posts in#nbsp;popular publicks in#nbsp;the city and add to#nbsp;the group directories.


The next rather important point is#nbsp;the launch date. In#nbsp;principle, they are ready to#nbsp;launch on#nbsp;Friday, but there is#nbsp;a#nbsp;hypothesis that attention is#nbsp;already scattered, and it#nbsp;is#nbsp;better to#nbsp;do#nbsp;it on#nbsp;Monday, when potential participants are thinking about the weekend and flipping through social media feeds at#nbsp;work.


The goal is#nbsp;set, we’ve got plenty of#nbsp;ideas, let’s get started. Be#nbsp;na#nbsp;mote!
Addendum: over the past time the club has grown, meetings are held all year round, participants are grouped according to#nbsp;their desires, form pairs. Released a#nbsp;wide variety of#nbsp;souvenirs, and partly by#nbsp;enthusiasts in#nbsp;piece execution, photos of#nbsp;which, made around the world, warm the soul and prove that all was not in#nbsp;vain!