JAB journal

Chudovo parking

2021-12-08 21:13 Projects
We#nbsp;often travel to#nbsp;Moscow on#nbsp;the Sapsan from Chudovo. Sometimes by#nbsp;car#nbsp;— and then, in#nbsp;order not to#nbsp;worry about the condition of#nbsp;the car we#nbsp;have left behind, it#nbsp;is#nbsp;advisable to#nbsp;use a#nbsp;guarded parking lot. Ideally, nearby.
Over time, I#nbsp;found one by#nbsp;word of#nbsp;mouth and it#nbsp;was only 700 meters away from the station in#nbsp;a#nbsp;straight line. The problem is#nbsp;that there is#nbsp;no#nbsp;information about it#nbsp;either in#nbsp;directories like 2GIS or#nbsp;just on#nbsp;the web.
While the parking lot was never empty, it#nbsp;was regularly reported by#nbsp;the security guard as#nbsp;possibly closing soon, and no#nbsp;alternatives to#nbsp;this parking lot could be#nbsp;found.
Once again, being pleasantly surprised that it was not closed, we left the car and for three hours of the road to Moscow with a dubious internet took the domain chudovopark.ru, sketched a microsite and added to Yandex, Google and a couple of regional reference sites.
Hopefully, this will help the parking lot gain customers and its owner discourage the thought of#nbsp;closing.
Added in#nbsp;February 2024: about ten people visit the site daily. We#nbsp;say hello to#nbsp;the parking owner and renew the domain name registration.