The electrical company, having accumulated experience and a customer base, turned to creating their visual identity.
So many orders are coming in by word of mouth that a queue has been formed for a year in advance. At the same time, the company has no name, so the question of naming was raised in parallel.
As a result of analysis and discussions, it was decided to abandon it. Firstly, the quality of projects for new houses allows customers to forget about the contractor for years, sometimes noting the smooth operation of the power grid and thoughtfulness of solutions. Secondly, the main segment of the target audience is private customers building country houses. They do not care about the name, the key role is played by recommendations and proposed working conditions. In addition, no one writes down the number of the master as "Eugene, electrician from Elektron", they write briefly: "Zhenya electrician". And third, sometimes the aura of excessive solidity is detrimental. A potential customer subconsciously realizes that while working with a company he overpays relative to ordering directly from a master. For all these reasons, we decided to keep a brief descriptor — "Electrician, Velikiy Novgorod".
At the same time, the company operates throughout the entire NWFD, but it is based in Novgorod and the bulk of clients are from this region, which we highlighted.
A familiarization with the projects finished gave a pleasant impression of neatness and thoughtfulness:

Corrugations, electric boxes, … However, the company’s profile is broader and includes even repair of old electrical wiring. Accordingly, corrugations and other associations from the installation look more narrow-profile.
All electrical work has one thing in common: the electrical connection. As simplified as possible, the metaphor is plug and socket. This is the closing of the electrical circuit and the company’s connection to its customers.
We take a metaphor, form the first "E" (actually, Russian "Э") in negative space, add a descriptor in the same style and we get it:

The result is a simple, clear and memorable image that is easy to read in any size and color.

Every creation is praiseworthy. And professional, well thought-out and meeting all safety and ergonomic criteria is especially praiseworthy. The company has already earned trust and now it has a worthy visual image. Let them go side by side and please their customers in all aspects!