JAB journal

Julia Strauch

2024-03-22 22:08 Projects
Julia Strauch is#nbsp;a#nbsp;licensed translator from Russian to#nbsp;German and vice versa.
In#nbsp;our opinion, the current logo does not reflect German neatness and pedantry:
We’re sure it#nbsp;can be#nbsp;better, keeping the color palette she obviously likes and endowing it#nbsp;with the aura of#nbsp;clarity and rigor inherent in#nbsp;the profession.
A#nbsp;simple grapheme of#nbsp;J#nbsp;and S#nbsp;assembled in#nbsp;a#nbsp;pen as#nbsp;a#nbsp;symbol of#nbsp;word processing.
In#nbsp;the meantime, we#nbsp;came up#nbsp;with a#nbsp;cool marketing move. It#nbsp;is#nbsp;always nice to#nbsp;receive something stylish and useful rather than a#nbsp;package with fancy advertising.
In#nbsp;our case, the customer receives a#nbsp;qualified, authorized translation on#nbsp;paper. The document is#nbsp;rarely a#nbsp;single sheet, but even then it#nbsp;is#nbsp;logical to#nbsp;transfer it#nbsp;with the original document. A#nbsp;branded polypocket#nbsp;— yes, but it#nbsp;gets crumpled, torn, quickly deteriorates, or#nbsp;the documents continue to#nbsp;be#nbsp;stored in#nbsp;it, tucked away in#nbsp;a#nbsp;faraway drawer.
There is#nbsp;also a#nbsp;long-lasting version that can travel from place to#nbsp;place. The idea was inspired by#nbsp;an#nbsp;Ampelmännchen souvenir bought in#nbsp;Berlin:
Ampelmännchen is#nbsp;the original symbolic image of#nbsp;a#nbsp;walking and standing man wearing a#nbsp;hat, used for traffic signals at#nbsp;crosswalks in#nbsp;East Berlin, the capital of#nbsp;the German Democratic Republic since 1961.
Julia should have a#nbsp;branded paper clip, the layout of#nbsp;which was prepared:
Depending on#nbsp;which of#nbsp;the parts is#nbsp;the front, you will get one of#nbsp;the initials. In#nbsp;this case, the recognizability will be#nbsp;preserved, regardless of#nbsp;the method of#nbsp;manufacture: colored wire or#nbsp;plastic plate.
Such accompanying ideas involuntarily appear in#nbsp;the course of#nbsp;the work. And we#nbsp;are always happy to#nbsp;share them, allowing the logo to#nbsp;grow inside the brand.