JAB journal


Ecooffice Group is the largest owner of commercial real estate in Moscow, engaged in acquisition, design, renovation, realization, operation and management of facilities.
This business is a symbiosis of modern approaches and attitudes to clients, inherent in the "dinosaur times", when the client came first, and profit was a natural consequence. But as you know, you meet people by their clothes. The logo and all communication channels should reinforce the principles to which the group of companies and its founder are committed.
It is unlikely that the current snail represents readiness for the rapid volatility of the market, and the window represents the full range of services provided. The face of a business should be simple and open, modern and have the potential to build long-term trusting relationships.
A logo was designed for the EcoOffice Group of Companies:
— "Э" and "О" of EcoOffice ("ЭкоОфис" in Russian),
— an arrow pointing to a square as a metaphor of a square meter.
In addition, the logo bears a resemblance to ᛟ, a rune of the Anglo-Saxon alphabet, which means "heritage", "ancestral property". And the owner of the GC, in parallel with his business, is engaged in the restoration of the Grebnevo estate, an architectural ensemble dating back to the early 14th century.
Англосаксонская руническая поэма:
ᛟ Eþel byþ oferleof æghwylcum men, gif he mot ðær rihtes and gerysena on brucan on bolde bleadum oftast.

An estate is very dear to every man, if he can enjoy in his house all things faithful and kept and in due constant prosperity.
The logo can be augmented or replaced with text writing:
The logo should greet the client from the business card of the GC employee, from the issued set of keys when signing the lease agreement, from the cup welcoming the tenant to the rented area, from the navigation elements, etc.:
In parallel with the development of the identity, it was proposed to create an information system for working with tenants on the basis of the website. In it, each tenant gets access to a personal cabinet, which contains the following systems:
— notifications (messages from the management company),
— communication (with the owner and other tenants, for example, to organize joint actions),
— financial accounting (invoices for rent payment, etc.),
— ordering services (repairs, etc.).
Marketing starts with gathering information to analyze. A handy tool useful for both tenants and owner is a sure help.