JAB journal


2022-12-14 22:25 Projects
A#nbsp;competition to#nbsp;design a#nbsp;logo for the European alliance of#nbsp;abrasives manufacturers (EAA) was announced online. We#nbsp;offered our vision. Looking ahead, our version was not accepted, but we#nbsp;are not upset because we#nbsp;were able to#nbsp;demonstrate our approach once again.
There wasn’t much input. Some abstract association, abrasive materials#nbsp;— that’s all. Usually, of#nbsp;course, we#nbsp;study the tasks in#nbsp;more depth, but we#nbsp;work with what we#nbsp;have.
Since it#nbsp;is#nbsp;an association, and a#nbsp;European one at#nbsp;that, the sign should emit solidity. We#nbsp;took the shape of#nbsp;a#nbsp;square in#nbsp;which we#nbsp;inscribed the abbreviation "EAA":
An#nbsp;additional feature noticed is#nbsp;the same number of#nbsp;letters in#nbsp;all three words. So, by#nbsp;choosing monospaced font, we#nbsp;reinforced the shape.
We’ve prepared a#nbsp;couple of#nbsp;options for demonstration:
By#nbsp;the way, a#nbsp;year after publication, Google provides the following variants of#nbsp;competitors, which only more strikingly emphasize the differences in#nbsp;our approaches: