JAB journal


2022-04-04 23:13 Projects
The task is#nbsp;to#nbsp;make a#nbsp;logo for the software used for calculating parameters of#nbsp;regulating pipeline valves.
Introductions: the name chosen is#nbsp;KiVi (as#nbsp;coefficients). There were no#nbsp;special wishes, just to#nbsp;make it#nbsp;cool.
One of#nbsp;the many options under development reached the demonstration stage but was not accepted by#nbsp;the customer:
A#nbsp;schematically depicted valve consisting of#nbsp;the letter elements of#nbsp;the name.
Well, no#nbsp;problem, let’s think further. I#nbsp;wanted to#nbsp;play the kiwi bird, although the correct Latin spelling is#nbsp;with a "w" and not "v". But "googol", which is#nbsp;the basis of#nbsp;the name "Google", is#nbsp;correctly spelled "Googol".
The original idea of#nbsp;the authors was a#nbsp;bird, and the final name is#nbsp;a#nbsp;mixture of#nbsp;Kv, the designation of#nbsp;flow capacity, one of#nbsp;the key parameters of#nbsp;control valves, and the average spelling of#nbsp;various parameters with indices.
After rethinking, the second variant was born, which came to#nbsp;the customer’s liking:
It’s got "K", "V" and tittles from "i" all at#nbsp;the same time:
In#nbsp;addition, a#nbsp;sign turned 90° is#nbsp;a#nbsp;bird regulating the flow in#nbsp;a#nbsp;pipe with its beak, or#nbsp;two seated people shaking hands:
The last metaphor refers to#nbsp;the task of#nbsp;the developed software to#nbsp;become an#nbsp;assistant for engineers of#nbsp;both the customer company and its partners.
This is#nbsp;how the icon will look in#nbsp;the Start menu:
And a#nbsp;branded flash drive:
Unfortunately, the issues of#nbsp;architecture and UI/UX design are left to#nbsp;the developer. Therefore, the end result will be#nbsp;a#nbsp;Windows application with an#nbsp;interface "from engineers for engineers".
It’s not for us#nbsp;to#nbsp;judge, but it’s hardly the right decision. Anyway, we#nbsp;wish Kivi to#nbsp;become a#nbsp;worthy product!